Monday 4 May 2009


Today is the feat of the forty martyrs of England and Wales. Many of them died under Queen Elizabeth whose fear of the Catholic Church was rooted in watching the killing of Catholics by her father Henry and Protestants by her half sister Mary. She decided to be Protestant and that meant there was to be no threat to her from Catholics whom she bitterly tried to exterminate. Priests came from the Continent not to threaten her but to simply say Mass and they were hidden in the homes of ordinary catholic people. Both paid the price by suffering cruel deaths. It is srange that schoolchildren are taught about Bloody Mary but nobody will face up to Bloodthirsty Henry or Elizabeth. When we look at what the Bisops have done to the Catholic Church in England in the past forty years and the number of catholics who as a result of poor catechesis do not take the teachings of the Church on Papal Supremacy and other doctrines too seriously you may be forgiven for wondering why they died. But they bore witness to the truth that the Catholic Church is the One True Faith, not popular among modernists.

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