Saturday 28 March 2009


The Rosary group in my Church added the prayer for the Conversion of England to their prayers a few months back. I became increasingly aware of the power of this prayer and began to realise that it is the prayer we need for the Catholic Church in England today. A false idea of ecumenism has taken the religious spirit away from our Church and our children are paying dearly. Reading the Decree on Ecumenism of Vatican II I realsied that the Church had never given up its claim to be the One True Church and indeed the very first statement on the Decree stated there was only One True Church. To rectify and make our Church holy again we must turn to our Mother Marry since England is her Dowry. She will lead us. So ends my very definite ideas but my thoughts go much further. To be the light that shines in the darkness we need to be truly Catholic. n a world torn by Adultery, Divorce, Contraception and Abortion the Catholic community must be a community in which such things are totally absent. We must be Catholic in every sese of the word totally loyal to the Holy Father and the teachings of the Catholic Church. We therefore need priests to lead us in our devotions and prayers and in retreats which nourish our souls. How will we spread the Faith? Not by knocking on doors or carrying a catechism under our arms but by living the truth. St Francis said "preach the Gospel always and sometimes use words. The prayer for the Conversion of England is the prayer we must spread. It must be said after our rosaries, it must be said in our night prayers, it must be taught to our Children. They must know the great glory of Mary and te Catholic Faith. Of course the conversion of England is not about converting just non-catholics. Many catholics today alas do not know their faith and they must be taught. But above all and most of all we must turn to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, a Jesus so scorned and neglected in many side rooms and unworthy places. Put him in the centre of our Church and in the centre of our lives again. We may be criticised for giving Mary giving Mary such a warm place in our hearts but this will be the real test of our Catholic Faith. Can we take the criticism and insults. I would love one day to go to Mass and at the end to see the priest kneel and lead the community in this prayer for the conversion of England. Pary for this great moment. God bless. John.

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